Tuesday, September 1, 2009

College Tuition

ringing with a slow build
my cell phone
blinks the name of my sister
blinking and I wonder
what a 1 am call has to do with safety

19 years of gorgeous
some less of independence
wishing that college tuition grew on trees

fighting loss of confidence
in teenagers
bent on development
demanding the changing of circumstances
marching boldly
to middle class debt and white collar jobs

you robbed me, not you Breanna
but the collective you of all the isms
the you, I owe 80,000 
working in administration 
to pay for my keys

making art in my "off-time"

excuse me when I sniffle, just a bit
and sound hollow 
in my response
remembering my own hustle
into middle class debt
and cheek biting
burying the isms deep 
so as not to effect my push 

sister, 1 am calls 
speak of a different safety
to clamor into what you want
the fear of losing grip
on a dream, 
built on other peoples money
that fear is real

and realer still, the reality
achievement does not make it go away-- 
they are just different isms
clenching our ribs
squeezing life
and demanding 
weekly, monthly, yearly sub-prime payments

that building buzz 
you work to get
where is not always the destination
it is the work, the fear, the knotty clench
making forward steps the necessity
those dollars burnable
those isms just part of the check list